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The AC3.14 Holistic Healing

Tao Te Ching & Inner Peace

Tao Te Ching & Inner Peace

Regular price Rs. 999.00
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Tao is a cosmic approach with interconnectedness of all things as the center of life philosophies. It is essentially a timeless and golden key to living in harmony with the wisdom of nature. All that we are and can ever be, all that is and ever was, is born from Tao and returns to Tao. The Five elements spread reflects areas of balance and imbalance in life and offers insights into the seeker's personal cosmic evolution in the here and now. The Pearl of Wisdom is an energy check-in card along with a message from the divine on your path forward. Yin/Yang Balance is an energy reading along with cosmic guidance for balancing divine masculine and feminine energies within you. The Alchemy of Relations is a relationship reading for in-depth understanding of your current situation and path forward. AC3.14 Signature Tao Oracles is a detailed reading of your current situation, along with insights from past and guidance for your future. 

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